Working from Home

Working from Home – Air Conditioning Solutions

Working from home is a new experience for many.  It doesn’t come without its challenges, most of which can be overcome by technology.  But what about the heat?  Are you finding that the spare bedroom that is now your office, gets unbearably hot in the afternoon?  And your kitchen table?  Does that become a hot spot in the afternoon?

That feeling of walking into an air-conditioned office is probably becoming a distant memory but just imagine if you could achieve that same feeling at home?

Well you can.  We can install air conditioning in your home enabling you to concentrate more and increase your productivity.  The brain fog of being too hot will disappear reducing pressure and improve well-being.

It maybe something you haven’t considered before but with the Government encouraging us to work from home, the prospect of a long hot summer in a stuffy office might be something you’d like to avoid.  Who thought we’d miss the office air conditioning?

Howard, owner of Acclimatise Air Conditioning, can visit your home and find not only the best Air Conditioning solution for you, but he will also ensure the work is carried out in line with the Government’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) social distancing guidelines.

Surrey and Hampshire home workers could be the most productive in the country with an affordable Air Conditioning solution.  Contact one of our friendly team to arrange a free, no obligation, site survey.

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