If you have a small-to-medium-sized enterprise (SME) in Surrey or Hampshire there is a grants and support programme which can help you to become more competitive and profitable, whilst protecting the environment. LoCASE (Low Carbon Across the South and East) encourages low carbon solutions and is backed by the EU and local councils – and Surrey County Council is on board!
Who can apply?
- SMEs with under 250 employees, Annual turnover under £44 million and a balance sheet under £39 million. (If the organisation is owned more than 25% by, or owns more than 25% in, another enterprise, they must meet this criteria.)
- Charities, if they sell goods or services.
Find out more about the eligibility criteria here: https://locase.co.uk/eligibility-criteria/
OK…I’m eligible. But what’s it FOR?…
The grant is for up to £10,000, representing 40% of a project’s costs, and can be used for energy efficiency measures installed for your business – for example, covering the cost of installation, materials and equipment. Or, if your business offers low carbon (or ‘green’) goods or services, you can access a business development grant. You can claim for marketing, consultancy, equipment, IT software, product/process development, accreditation and certification…
Here are just a few examples of Energy Efficiency measures you can apply for:
- Energy efficient lighting and lighting controls
- New heating systems and controls
- Insulation
- Renewables for heat generation to include heat pumps
- Multi-function devices to replace separate printers, photocopiers and fax machines
And some Business Development examples to consider:
- Plant equipment and machinery
- IT hardware and software
- Certification and accreditation
- Facilities hire i.e., specialist lab facilities for testing and R&D
- Specialist fees i.e., interpreter, patent lawyers, academics
You can register your business interest at: https://locase.co.uk/register/
Once registered, this is how your application will progress:
If you have any questions, you can get in touch with Surrey County Council at: